For Photographers

Hey there fellow photog! So glad you stopped by.

This is normally where we share about our up and coming workshops and information. When we are set and ready to announce our AMPlified or any ahMAEzeen workshops, you better believe we will be posting here!

I'd hate for you to leave without anything in hand, so I put together a bit of info and FAQs that I get asked as a photographer. So enjoy and thanks again!! 

Whats In Your Bag?
Isn't this always the question to start us off lol. Well, in my bag isssssssss.....
  • Canon 5D Markii
  • Canon 70-200 2.8 is
  • Canon 85mm 1.8
  • Canon 50mm 1.8 (Nifty Fifty Babeh!)
  • Extra SD Cards
  • Gum, Mints & Mouth Wash (because you never know, coffee is great in the morning of a PNW Session but NOT coffee breath! lol)
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Business Cards and Promotional Cards
  • All nice and snug in my BRAND NEW HOF Moroccan Majestic Evermore Camera Bag!!!
Your Shooting Style?
I would say my shooting style is definitely inspired by fashion and style. I love gorgeous light , natural is of course all of our loves. Living in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) definitely makes me learn to appreciate beautiful sunsets. I totally try and take advantage of that during our summer, which is the busiest season for me.

I love working with colors that compliment each other really well. Whether it is in my client's outfit, background, surroundings or even accessories, I am always trying to incorporate cohesive colors that work well together and fit the style of my client and session.

Photographer Inspiration?
I would say first Laura Jade....SIGH, that girl is something else I tell ya! Of course Sue Bryce lol, if I could look like her at my age right now, all would be right in the world...and that hair..WHY DID I CUT MINE??!!

What Advice Would You Give?
Well, I think the best thing I heard when I first had started was from Sue, she said "No one will ever care about your business the way you do." That spoke some crazy deep things to me. Because I was just sitting there, waiting, hoping and yes, even praying maybe sometimes crying, about why someone doesn't see the potential in me or MAYBE someone will, or some investor would come along and say "Oh here take my money and go open a business!" lol. 

It wasn't until Sue had said that, that a light bulb went off in my head. If I wanted to be a real legit and good photographer, I had to do it myself, I had to work at it, I had to learn, I had to take those steps of scary, scary, bold and blind faith. I remember saying to myself "Gosh darn it Amanda, stop asking if the water is warm and just jump in already!" lol

So, if you find yourself unsure of what to do or how to or having that fear of taking those steps, tell yourself "Gosh Darn it, just jump in already!".  

I know as Creatives we always ALWAYS want things to be exact and perfect, well at least I have that problem lol. But what I mean is, sometimes in life we are faced with things that we may not know how to conquer or find our way through. But The Word says "Speak to the mountain and it will move!". We are made in His image and He is perfect and just in every way. 

So, no matter where we are in our stages of growth, the best thing to do, is to keep learning, keep evolving and ultimately keep growing.

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fabulous day!

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