I didn't think this far...

Every time I set off to start a new adventure, goal or even like starting a business, I somehow can't seem to look past that particular goal.

As a young single woman, I had dreams and desires to be married to a Man of God, who strived after Him with all of his heart while leading our family under the covering and anointing of the call of God on our lives. I thought about my wedding day, I thought about spending the rest of my life with that "future" man. I thought about the children we wanted to have, about what kind of mommy I would be and how I plan to have "Craft Days" every week to spark creativity and inspiration. (HA! Crafts, riiiiight.)

I have now passed my 30's and this year I will be 32 years old. YIKES! I never did think about passing my 30's or even think about past my 30's. I knew I would grow more "mature" and age with, hopefully, God's grace and spend the remaining of my life married, being a mommy and being a woman of God. But somehow I never looked beyond the Wedding, beyond the having babies and now faced with the "middle" of my life, it seems to be coming out in my business too. But this is all GOOD Things, not one of those Oh I'm so old now, I'm not cool. HECK NO! Im still pretty freakin' rad, hot and one spicey round cookie lol.
What I'm getting at is, I've had my business for almost 4 wonderful years. I've had goals to create something from the ground up, to start a business, to be successful at it, to have a studio, to being at a whole different place than where I was, to ultimately just taking pretty pictures of really pretty girls whose hearts are so big.

As a business owner, I look at my past clients and some have left for college, traveled, started businesses, went on adventures, got married, and are even having families! As a photographer, I look at that and just think, Wow, God you are so good that I got a chance to capture these amazing young ladies in that perfect moment of their lives. Not exactly a woman, not exactly a teenager; but that exact moment of transition.
When I started my business, I simply had a handful of goals in mind. Take pretty pictures, be successful and do what I love to do, possibly get a studio too lol. I look back and I have accomplished those things; yes of course there are still goals in my life I would love to reach; but seeing that I was able to accomplish my first steps I set out was awesome. But I never thought beyond that as a my clients' friend.

I didn't think about how amazing it feels to see my clients succeed at life, the goals they place before them and to be a part of that first stage in there lives, leaves me with this feeling of awestruck.
He loves us so much that He gives us surprises everyday that we don't even know we need or had a desire for. Now seeing this and now living this, I am so thankful for my past clients, present and future. Being able to be a light to them in their life adventures has been one of the coolest feelings ever.

So heres to you clients! Past, Present and Future. You may think I take portraits and make ladies feel pretty and have a ton of bubbly fun; but ultimately YOU make me feel amazing, satisfied and ultimately confirm my passion and drive.

so THANK YOU! Now get out there and rock this world with the amazingness that HE gives!!


It's not snowing...it's just WINTER!

Meet Winter! A 2016 Senior from Jackson High School and this year's AMP MODEL WINNER! I meet Winter in the fall of 2015 and she is absolutely just a sweet heart. I am so blessed to not only have had the opportunity to capture her amazing YEAR with me, but to have her apart of my life has been definitely a plus! Her mom is absolutely amazing and designs fabulous dresses, so we all just hit it off!

We started Winter's Vogue Session Experience at the Track to capture her love for Track and Running, not to mention her deep love for the most adorable running shoes ever! Kind of makes me want to run HA!

We then headed our way for a quick Starbucks Stop. Perfect spot for a latte, touch up and potty break ;). On to the fields! For this Winter wanted a touch of that bohemian vibe to show case her guitar! I think we nailed it! Elizabeth, Winter's Mom, brought this PERFECT blanket that just was that exact touch we needed!

We ended out day down by the beach. It was that perfect overcast where it wasn't too dark but just that perfect amount of light! Winter was of course as fabulous as always! Being at the beach, with thiss girl, her mom and my MUA and three amazing last looks, was the perfect way to finish off this ah-MAE-zeen Vogue Session Experience! Not to mention this mermaid at heart GOT IN THE WATER and it was perfect!!!!

Thank you Winter and Elizabeth! It has been such a pleasure being your photographer! I am so excited to see Winter go and do some amazing things, live some amazing adventures, and have an amazing future ahead of her! Thank you so much! LOVE YOU BOTH!! XOXOXO!!


Happy Monday!!

We are so excited to bring you the ONLY Promotion that we will run this year! It is only going to last this week; so lets get started!

Our ONE25 Promo is available right now and valid on all Vogue Sessions! Basically this is the way it works...

Receive $125 off of your Vogue Session Experience when you book during our ONE25 Promo Week. Here is what our very popular and favorite Vogue Session Experience includes:
  • Vogue Experience
    • Hair Styling
    • Professional Makeup with our exclusive MUA (Makeup Artist, Chantel Tucker)
    • Makeup Artist on set for touch ups and additional looks
    • Unlimited Wardrobe Changes
    • Wardrobe Styling 
    • Pretty much plan or a full day of your Portrait Experience because it is going to be ah-MAE-zeen!
During this week is when we receive 85%-90% of our bookings, which means 85%-90% of our availability becomes full. We want to make sure you have a chance to snag your Summer Date, so give me a call, text or message and we can get you set up with all the details.

Cant wait till our shoot together!! See you on set!!

Send me a message here! XOXO!

Senior Pictures Already? My child is only a Junior!

I know what you're thinking. Whoa! Calm down Amanda Photographer Lady, my child is only a Junior and I cannot wrap my head around the fact that my baby is going to be graduating High School! In all honesty, my son who is going to be 5 this year is going into school and that is something I keep wanting to avoid myself. Let's face it, our babies are growing up and its super bitter sweet!

YES! I know it's kind of that gasp feeling; but the fact is, you do need to start thinking of Senior Portraits now. It's not too early, you're actually right on time, you don't want to feel rushed and ultimately you want to insure that you and your new senior get the best summer dates available!

Your Baby Is A Senior
This September you daughter/son will become a Senior. It's crazy to even have that thought pattern; I know! But yes, your child will be going into their last year of High School THIS YEAR.

It's Not Too Early
We are currently booking right now for Senior Portraits. We actually started booking last year for the Class of 2017; but the high time to actually book your Senior Session is right now. You want to insure that you and your daughter/son get those very coveted summer dates, since our PNW Weather is soooooo reliable.

You Are On Time
I know it can feel like it is too early to talk about Senior Portraits for your Junior; but there is a reason to book your Senior Portraits during your Junior Year.

Most schools in the Snohomish and some of King County, allow your Senior to submit their own picture for the yearbook. Everyone definitely wants one of their pictures from their Senior Portrait Session; but the yearbook  due date is right when they start school. Yearbook is due anywhere from Sept-Dec of the beginning of their Senior Year. This is one of the reasons why Juniors rush to schedule and have their Senior Portrait Session the summer BEFORE they start school as a Senior.

Get The Best Summer Dates
There is truth in the saying "The early bird gets the worm." or in this situation the "Early booking gets the best Summer Date". It all boils down to one thing, when you book your Senior Session with the photographer of your choice (**clears throat, ME**) you get to snag the best Summer Dates available.

Most Boutqiue Portrait Photographers, like myself, have a first come first serve basis and typically shoot one client one day. I know that my availabilty as a photographer and portrait studio is very limited to those who book months even a year in advance. So, if you want those later Summer Dates, because you must be "tanned" or it's after you come back from Vacation, or just know that it isn't going to be gloom and doom with the PNW Weather, you definitely want to reserve and book your Senior Session now.

Becoming a Senior and experience the last year in high school is such a special time! You want to have a photographer that understands that, understands what your schools require and ultimately giving you the best to help you celebrate this special time in your life! So, moms and dads, it's time. Call me, I'll help you out! As your baby is going into their last year, mine is on his way to his first....I've got tissues and chocolate, we can cry and have some sweets together!

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day!

Meet the 2017 AMP Models!

Meet our new 2017 AMP MODELS!

Our AMP Models are representatives that went through an entire application process during the fall of their Junior Year and they made it all the way through! Their job is to hook you up with only their VIP Gift they can give for your senior portraits and to let you know about their AMP Experience and that my session are truly ah-MAE-zeen haha!

Here they are sharing in their words their experience so far...

Ally Robichaud : Inglemoor High School : Class of 2017
" I love how passionate Amanda is about her work, she's always so optimistic. I admire that she takes the time to really understand you and your desires. AMP is an adventure you do not want to miss!"

Rebecca Lofquist : Shorewood High School : Class of 2017
"What I love about AMP is that it's a one of a kind experience and Amanda is so thoughtful and puts so much effort into each person and each shoot, which is ironic because all her pictures come out effortless."

Mckenzie Gran : Stanwood High School : Class of 2017
"My favorite part of being an AMP Model is working with Amanda. She makes the atmosphere around her always positive and a fun place to be. She always makes me smile and is a blessing to have met and be able to work with."

 Madison Schatzt : Meadowvale High School : Class of 2017
"I love working with Amanda. She's so positive and has such a fun personality. She makes you feel so great about yourself!"

Maddy Williams : Archbishop Murphy : Class of 2017
"I love how Amanda's energy is so infectious, you can't help but laugh and smile when around her. She has such a loving nature that makes you feel comfortable. She is awesome at what she does and all of her pictures turn out so beautiful."

Cole Gross : Jackson High School : Class of 2017
"My favorite part of being an AMP Model and working with Amanda is that I become comfortable with my own body and Amanda is always capable of making me feel welcome and making me laugh."

Sammi Olson : Glacier Peak High School : Class of 2017
"I love how Amanda makes you feel beautiful and confident. Grace and glamour is captured in every picture she takes. She is extremely talented at what she does!"

Callie Laursen : Kamiak High School : Class of 2017
"I love being part of AMP because Amanda brings out confidence in all of us. She shows us how to not only look beautiful; but feel beautiful as well."

Katarina Schick : Kamiak High School : Class of 2017
"I llove Amanda Mae Photography. She has taught me to love myself for who I am...A Beauty Queen."

Tyanna Davis : Marysville Pilchuck High School : Class of 2017
"I love the vibes you get around Amanda, she truly makes you feel special. I love the fact she's created a personal relationship with me. AMP has already been one of the most exciting experiences of my life and I can't wait to see what else is to come!"

We are so excited for this group of young ladies! I know we've got a ton in store for them and their friends! If you want to book your senior portraits and you happen to know one of our models, well let me know and we can get you definitely hooked up! 

Thanks again and have a fabulous day!

For Photographers

Hey there fellow photog! So glad you stopped by.

This is normally where we share about our up and coming workshops and information. When we are set and ready to announce our AMPlified or any ahMAEzeen workshops, you better believe we will be posting here!

I'd hate for you to leave without anything in hand, so I put together a bit of info and FAQs that I get asked as a photographer. So enjoy and thanks again!! 

Whats In Your Bag?
Isn't this always the question to start us off lol. Well, in my bag isssssssss.....
  • Canon 5D Markii
  • Canon 70-200 2.8 is
  • Canon 85mm 1.8
  • Canon 50mm 1.8 (Nifty Fifty Babeh!)
  • Extra SD Cards
  • Gum, Mints & Mouth Wash (because you never know, coffee is great in the morning of a PNW Session but NOT coffee breath! lol)
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Business Cards and Promotional Cards
  • All nice and snug in my BRAND NEW HOF Moroccan Majestic Evermore Camera Bag!!!
Your Shooting Style?
I would say my shooting style is definitely inspired by fashion and style. I love gorgeous light , natural is of course all of our loves. Living in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) definitely makes me learn to appreciate beautiful sunsets. I totally try and take advantage of that during our summer, which is the busiest season for me.

I love working with colors that compliment each other really well. Whether it is in my client's outfit, background, surroundings or even accessories, I am always trying to incorporate cohesive colors that work well together and fit the style of my client and session.

Photographer Inspiration?
I would say first Laura Jade....SIGH, that girl is something else I tell ya! Of course Sue Bryce lol, if I could look like her at my age right now, all would be right in the world...and that hair..WHY DID I CUT MINE??!!

What Advice Would You Give?
Well, I think the best thing I heard when I first had started was from Sue, she said "No one will ever care about your business the way you do." That spoke some crazy deep things to me. Because I was just sitting there, waiting, hoping and yes, even praying maybe sometimes crying, about why someone doesn't see the potential in me or MAYBE someone will, or some investor would come along and say "Oh here take my money and go open a business!" lol. 

It wasn't until Sue had said that, that a light bulb went off in my head. If I wanted to be a real legit and good photographer, I had to do it myself, I had to work at it, I had to learn, I had to take those steps of scary, scary, bold and blind faith. I remember saying to myself "Gosh darn it Amanda, stop asking if the water is warm and just jump in already!" lol

So, if you find yourself unsure of what to do or how to or having that fear of taking those steps, tell yourself "Gosh Darn it, just jump in already!".  

I know as Creatives we always ALWAYS want things to be exact and perfect, well at least I have that problem lol. But what I mean is, sometimes in life we are faced with things that we may not know how to conquer or find our way through. But The Word says "Speak to the mountain and it will move!". We are made in His image and He is perfect and just in every way. 

So, no matter where we are in our stages of growth, the best thing to do, is to keep learning, keep evolving and ultimately keep growing.

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a fabulous day!

AMP Model Program

Currently our application process is closed and we are no longer accepting any further 2017 AMP Models. Be sure to check back in the fall for we will then be accepting applications for our 2018 Senior Class!

Be apart of our elite AMP Models! In the fall we will be accepting our 2018 Class Applicants!

What is an AMP Model?
An AMP Model is a representative or spokes person that tells all of their classmates and friends about Amanda Mae Photography. Let your friends know of the AMP Experience and amazing pictures; getting them excited about their senior portraits and booking with Amanda Mae Photography.

What Senior AMP Models Receive?

  • The chance to earn a FREE Senior Portrait Session.
  • Participate in several AMP exclusive shoots all through out the year.
  • $25 Gift Card for Forever21 for each referral that books or credit towards your portraits.
  • Featured in our very own AMP App for your phones and mobile devices.
  • Featured in AMP 2016-2017 marketing and publications.
  • The chance to be on the cover of our coveted AMP Magazine.
  • And so much more!

The Details?

We accept all applications; but only 10-12 Models will be selected.

  • AMP Models will need to follow our application process during the fall of their JUNIOR Year, by filling out the application below and follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
    • Instagram: @theamandamae
    • Twitter: @The_Amanda
  • 1-2 AMP Models may be accepted from different High Schools.
  • Receive a $25 Gift Card to Forever21 for each friend/classmate that books and completes their session. (2 friends book= $50 to F21 etc.)
  • AMP Models will receive a 30% off of their order at their initial Order Appointment if they have referred 5 or more friends/classmates that booked their sessions.

Who Amanda Is Look For?
  • YOU!
  • Outgoing Personalities.
  • Participate in school events, sports and or community relations.
  • Involved in neighborhood and or religious communities.
  • Social Media active.
    • must have an Instagram and Twitter account.
  • Fashion/style interests. 

The Requirements?
  • Must book your Senior Portraits with AMP
  • Promote AMP solely and professionally
  • Promote AMP via social media 2-3 times a month
  • Represent AMP exclusively
  • Attend all necessary meets/socials and events
  • Tell your friends and classmates to book with AMP

How Does The Application Process Work?
The Application Process is a 4 step process.
  • The initial Application below
  • If your application is accepted, you will be invited to our AMP Info Night. Where you must bring your parent/guardian.
  • At the AMP Info Night, we go over all the information, giving you the option to sign up to officially become an AMP Model.
  • All Applicants that officially sign up will receive their very own AMP Tank that evening.

Ok?! Whats the cost?
Typically this is the first question parents have, and it's totally ok! There is an initial Session Fee that is due, however, you can earn it back with in the details of our AMP model Program. This is why I want to meet with the Top Applicants and their parents to insure all the information is given and all questions are answered.

How To Apply?
Currently at this time we are no longer accepting applicants for the 2017 AMP Model Team as we have now closed our application process. In the fall we will be opening it back up for our 2018 Seniors and Applicants.

Stay Tuned!


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